Source code for betterboto.organizations

import types
import logging

from .utils import slurp

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]def list_children_single_page(self, **kwargs): """ This will continue to call list_children until there are no more pages left to retrieve. It will return the aggregated response in the same structure as list_children does. :param self: organizations client :param kwargs: these are passed onto the list_children method call :return: organizations_client.list_children.response """ return slurp( 'list_children', self.list_children, 'Children', **kwargs )
[docs]def list_children_nested(self, **kwargs): """ This method will return a list of all children (either ACCOUNT or ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT) for the given ParentId. It includes children, grandchildren lower levels of nesting. :param self: organizations client :param kwargs: these are passed onto the list_children method call :return: list of children in the structure of [{'Id': "0123456789010"}, {'Id': "1009876543210"}] """ child_type = kwargs.get('ChildType') parent_id = kwargs.get('ParentId') if child_type == 'ACCOUNT': response = self.list_children_single_page(ParentId=parent_id, ChildType='ACCOUNT') my_account_children = response.get('Children') response = self.list_children_single_page(ParentId=parent_id, ChildType='ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT') my_org_children = response.get('Children') for my_org_child in my_org_children: my_account_children += self.list_children_nested(ParentId=my_org_child.get('Id'), ChildType='ACCOUNT') return my_account_children elif child_type == 'ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT': my_account_children = [kwargs.get('ParentId')] response = self.list_children_single_page(ParentId=parent_id, ChildType='ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT') my_org_children = response.get('Children') for my_org_child in my_org_children: my_account_children += self.list_children_nested(ParentId=my_org_child.get('Id'), ChildType='ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT') return my_account_children else: raise Exception('Unsupported ChildType: {}'.format(child_type))
[docs]def convert_path_to_ou(self, ou): """ This method accepts an ou and returns the path from the root account down to the ou :param self: organizations client :param ou: the account :return: the path from the root account down to the ou """ response = self.list_roots() for r in response.get('Roots', []): r_id = r.get('Id') self.list_children(ParentId=r_id, ChildType='ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT')
def make_better(client): client.convert_path_to_ou = types.MethodType(convert_path_to_ou, client) client.list_children_single_page = types.MethodType(list_children_single_page, client) client.list_children_nested = types.MethodType(list_children_nested, client) return client